Note: This version is not for installation. After installing the main program from the CD or Setup.Zip, Use this link for downloading the latest Upgrade .Just run Upgradxxx.exe on your computer while the programmer software is closed.
Software Upgrade for Programmer 5000/7000
TNM 2000/5000/7000 programmers software (Full installation) .
version 10.96, June 30, 2022
Password: TNM1234
Note: USB cable should not be connected during installation. in Windows Vista and 7 must be installed under Run as Administrator. decompress rar file with TNM1234 password (uppercase letter) , run Setup.exe
TNM5000/TNM7000A ECUKIT SOFTWARE Latest Version
Diag 5000 /7000 software, version 4.8 ,rar file password: TNM1234
Nand Programmer software , version 8.0, JAN 19 2022 rar file Password : TNM1234
Custom software for 48 pin NAND flash programming.